Thursday, May 24, 2012

Join ESXi host to Active Directory Domain

ESXi hosts can be joined to Active Directory, or more precisely can use Active Directory for authenticating users, which allows for assigning permissions to domain users on the host level. This post describes the procedure for joining an ESXi host to the domain through vSphere Client and vSphere CLI, and you can alternatively use Host Profiles or PowerCLI for performing the same task. Unlike for Windows machines, joining ESXi to a domain doesn't require a reboot.

First you need to make sure that your host can reach your domain controllers and resolve the FQDN of your domain, which is commonly accomplished by setting your domain controllers / DNS servers for your domain as the host's DNS servers (select a host in vSphere Client -> choose Configuration tab -> DNS and routing -> Properties -> set Preferred and Alternate DNS server to the appropriate addresses).

Joining host to a domain through vSphere Client

In the host's Configuration tab, select Authentication Services option and then Properties in the upper right corner. From the drop down menu, select "Active Directory" as the Directory Service type, type the FQDN of your domain and select Join Domain as shown in the following picture. 

ESXi Directory Service Configuration menu

After this, you will be prompted to enter credentials of a domain user with enough privileges to join a computer to a domain (you can do enter the username in <domain FQDN>\<user>, <user>@<domain FQDN> or just <user> format). Alternatively, you can use vSphere Authentication Proxy, which is a new feature introduced in vSphere 5 and represents a server which securely stores credentials for joining AD (commonly used in environments with Auto Deploy hosts so that these credentials don't have to be stored as a part of the Host Profile).

Joining host to a domain through vSphere CLI

You can also join the host to a domain through vSphere CLI. Power up the vSphere CLI on your client machine and type away:

vicfg-authconfig --server=<IP address /DNS name of your host> --username=<username of the administrative user on the host> --password=<password 
of the administrative user on the host
> --authscheme AD --joindomain <FQDN of your domain> --adusername=<username of AD user with privileges to join computer to a domain> --adpassword=<password of AD user>

After you've joined a host to the domain, you may notice a new computer object for the host created in the defaults Computers container in AD. You can move this object to the appropriate OU according to your AD structure, but since ESXi is not a Windows machine, obviously don't expect your Group Policies to apply to it :)

Assigning host permissions to domain users

When a host uses Active Directory for authentication, you can assign host privileges to domain users, which is useful in cases when you e.g. don't have a vCenter server, but only a standalone host (when you have a vCenter server joined to a domain, you can assign vCenter Roles on a host level to them even if your host is not a part of the domain). Connect to your host using vSphere Client, right click your host and select Add Permission. When you select Add in the User and Groups part of the screen, you'll notice that you can choose between local users (marked as (server) in the Domain drop down) and AD users.

Also, when a host is a part of the domain, you can assign Administrator role on a host level to domain members in a very simple way. What you need to do is to create a domain security group called "ESX Admins" (note that it's ESX not ESXi in the name), and all domain users which are members of this group are automatically assigned the Administrator role on the ESXi servers in the domain. These users can also log on to host locally through vSphere Client, SSH or ESXi Shell.

Leaving the domain

If you decide to remove the host from domain and switch back to local user authentication, you can do this through vSphere Client by selecting the host in the inventory, Configuration tab -> Authentication Services, and choosing Leave Domain. Host will then continue to authenticate only locally created users (e.g. root), and you can delete the computer object representing your host from the domain.

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